The Völva and Spellcraft of Poetry (A Red Tent Class)
Discover the old Norse seeress and the ancient tradition of seðr. This class will reveal the poet in your soul and an impactful practice of manifestation that challenges the popular teachings we encounter today. Part mythology, part history, part decolonization - this is a class for everyone.
Discover the old Norse seeress and the ancient tradition of seðr. This class will reveal the poet in your soul and an impactful practice of manifestation that challenges the popular teachings we encounter today. Part mythology, part history, part decolonization - this is a class for everyone.
Discover the old Norse seeress and the ancient tradition of seðr. This class will reveal the poet in your soul and an impactful practice of manifestation that challenges the popular teachings we encounter today. Part mythology, part history, part decolonization - this is a class for everyone.