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You Are The Völva: The Spellcraft of Writing

One thing is for certain. We have been searching for ancient, real forms of magic for a long time now. We have been decolonizing and unearthing practices and traditions that were once native to our ancestors. This class will be that for some. And for others without a trace of Norse ancestry, it will be an invitation to awaken the interconnected webs of seers that run mycelial across the entire earth. Seers and the spellcraft of writing are and always have been everywhere.

The Völva (absolutely pronounced the way you think it is) was an Old Norse seeress whose work we see most prominently in the Völuspá, the best-known poem of the Poetic Edda. The Völva was a poet and oracle who wrote the world into creation, endings, and rebirths. As our world leans further and further into disruption, decolonization, and yet another end, this is an archetype we were born to embody. So we’re gathering for a class centered around the agitating, mystical, earth-based spellcraft of writing.

Maybe you weren’t born into this lifetime with easy, immediate access to the allure of writing, but I guarantee in another lifetime you were. We all have been writers and spellcrafters in one lifetime or another. I know it. And I intend to open a door for you to know it too.

This class is a map into your inner territory, into doorways of past lives, and into resurrections of the Völva - the poet, the seer, the weaver of worlds - anchored to your own unique and wild soul. It is part mythology and history, part soul exploration, and all a summons to risk being misunderstood for the sake of a better world.

This is the first class I have taught in nearly 9 months, and I am coming with my arms overflowing. Whether or not you see yourself as a writer, I hope by the end of class you will call yourself a spellcrafter, a seer, a Völva. I’ll meet you in the Red Tent, wild kin. This time to unearth our poet souls together.

11 am PST
12 pm MST
1 pm Central
2 pm EST
8 pm Germany + Denmark
11 pm Dubai

If you enjoy this class check out these classes in the Red Tent Library:

History and Archetype of The Witch
The Shapeshifter
Healing Germania Parts 1 & 2 with Nat

And these classes in the Writer’s Society Library:

Uncommon Sense with Jeanette LeBlanc
Rewriting Fairytales

February 1

The Way-Changer: Inside Your Green Heart